Saturday 24 September 2011

More Pics...

I promised more, here they are...
Furniture still to be unpacked
Half finished snug
Daylight dawns Tuesday 13/9/11
Not a bad first night crowd

Vinyl snug pics from outside
Joe puts Perry and 'brother of Boak'' through their paces
Steve from our design team, The Yard Creative 
Ed replies to whether or not he'll be brewing a lager

So, we're open but we're far from finished! Still to come in are...
Cold store. Installation begins 6th October.
Permanent bar. Installation begins 10th October and we'll be closed for 3 days so this can be installed.
Brewery. Hopefully going in at the same time as the bar and the permanent front and interior windows.

I can't wait until we're finished, I'm going to be even more proud of what we've achieved in such a short space of time. From the moment I walked into 21st Amendment on my honeymoon, I've wanted to run a brewpub, in a few short weeks, I will be.

Friday 23 September 2011

Some Tap East Pics 1

Thought I'd share some of my recent pics with you.

Ed Inspects the roof

Still a building site

There's going to be a bar there, honest!

There's going to be a brewery in there, no really!

Ed lets one off in what will become the cold store

Back corridor?

This was a week before opening

Starting to take shape

from outside

Mike really does work

Seven Down

Hours 'til opening

More to follow...

Monday 12 September 2011

27hrs to go. Still to do.

Make sure windows are in.
Hoarding art work in place.
Blackboard painted.
Tills programmed.
Fridges into place.
Glasswasher plumbed in.
Keys for unit.
Keys cut for my duty managers.
Beer menus.
Furniture into place.
Picture frames up.
Pictures into frames.
Order more stock.
Stock put away.
Light for stock room.
Get beer lines.
Clean beer lines.
Shelving up.
Put crap on shelves.
Train staff on tills.
Unit clean.
Find time to sleep.

There must be more but I'm too tired to remember it right now...

Thursday 8 September 2011


Just a quick note really just to apologise for the lack of blogging recently. I am insanely busy at the moment opening a new brewpub in the new Westfield at Stratford City.
It's all happened in the last 7/8 weeks or so so I hope to see you there, I'll blog a bit more about what we want to do with the site(aside from make money) when I get time.
Until then, we open Tuesday with a temporary bar(that's how last minute this is) and I hope to see you at Tap East when we're up and running.
Until then, be careful what you wish for...