Thursday, 21 June 2018

Twitter Outraged Again.

Twitter has once again confirmed it's the one and only place to vent your vitriolic hate of success again as news that the crafty beer worlds worst kept secret has finally been confirmed today. Popular crafty brewer, Beavertown has sold a minority stake to not-so-crafty or popular mega brewery, Heineken; sparking outrage aimed at the brewery online.

You literally couldn't move for metaphorical pitchforks on Twitter this morning as founding beaver,(FB) Logan Plant announced through the new corporate looking Beavertown website that his company had received £40m worth of investment from Heineken for an undisclosed minority stake so that Beavertown could develop BEAVERWORLD, which is either a brewery experience you won't forget in a hurry or the worlds worst strip joint.

Twitter being Twitter took it as only Twitter could, badly and with the hatred we have all come to know and expect. After all FB had not only sold a stake in his company but had seemingly driven it through the heart of every single crafty beer geek in the world leaving them in some form of vampiric pile of ashes.

Some of the more respectful language being aimed at the brewery was one user saying "Fuck You, Beavertown" and using the hashtag #sellouts. I'd like to publish more comments but this is a fucking family orientated blog and we can't publish that sort of shit here.

Some of the other fall-out to the news has been independent beer shops pulling their Beavertown stock because they're afraid it might taste of Heineken; and breweries pulling out of the annual Beavertown Extravaganza citing absolutely no reasons whatsoever.

The only real shock to this whole affair is the fact that Brewdog took so long to condemn the news and do all the expected Brewdoggy things like take beers off their bar and pull out of BeaverX. 

The only thing left to do now is leave you, fearless reader, with a gratuitous beaver shot.