Bordering on the ridiculous, as usual. What beer would you drink during the Snopocalypse? After all a crisp layer of snow calls for a crisp beer!
Why be obvious and go for an Imperial Russian Stout? It's unimaginative! I'm going for an IPA you all know and love (except you freaks out there and you know who you are), this IPA is so versatile that not only will it be matched with snow, it'll be matched with my pulled pork lunch(but more of that later)!
word to the wise though.....
Don't eat yellow snow. Don't step in brown snow.
It's just a happy coincidence that my monster beer this week was a Yeti :)
Happy Coincidence indeed :D
I'm one of those freaks. Get Imperial Stout down you! It's the only way... and you can be as imaginative as you want with it. Pour it over Ice cream, make a Imperial Stout snow cone, mix it with whisky. You can even get the best of both worlds and mix it with an Imperial IPA :)
Famous Railway Tavern Bladderwrack Stout in front of the fire in the Odd One Out pub in Colchester. That for me is winter beer perfection.
Mind you, I'm still wondering if Black IPA really does hit the spot as winter beer in the same way that stout and porter do.
Ghostie - how was it?
T_I_B - Racer 5 and Sloppy Joe sarnies worked really well yesterday, all the heat from the chilli and mustard seeds against all the hops - didn't even notice the cold!
As Simon Johnson would say, it was 'awesome!' Sack this ice stuff though, you need to use proper freshly fallen snow - it's the only way ;)
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