Monday, 16 April 2012

Pitchforks at the Ready!

Bit of over the top Neo-prohibitionism for you to liven up your Monday

This afternoon, Redchurch Brewery in East London, posted this on twitter. It is a petition to stop them being granted a license to sell alcohol offsales.

Now, let's for a minute put aside the fact that whoever typed up this nonsense is barely literate and concentrate on some facts.

Redchurch want the license so they can sell to the public between the hours of ...
11am - 4pm Saturday
9am - 6pm Monday - Friday.

Hardly what I'd call 'late night' or antisocial. And as for talking about abusing children, I don't think that Redchurch have any plans to add that to the license, indeed that's a ridiculous conclusion to come to.

This is the sort of reaction I would expect from an uneducated redneck like Joe McCarthy 50 years ago when communists were everywhere and they were all out to get him! Isn't it ironic that he too, died of alcoholism, just like so many of those innocent underage children are going to. Puurrrrleeesse. 

I can understand that they might think their little darlings will get abused and molested by CAMRA members trying to get their hands on some beer, after all they dress as an homage to Fritzel and wear their beards like Shipman so they can seem a bit scary at times, but really most of them are quite harmless and indeed are very friendly(for the most part), even if they do smell of wee.

I'm also wondering how Redchurch got their hands on this...Any enlightenment, Gary?


Anonymous said...

Given the location and the style of writing, might there be a religious factor involved here?

Filrd said...

I've heard they plan to burn bibles to heat their heathen mash tuns, repent I say, REPENT!!!

Or in plain speaking, what a cock!

Pub Diaries said...

Take a look at the language used and this could be a resident who doesn't speak English as a first language. Anon's comments about religous motivation are irrelevant.

It's the right of a resident to raise their objections, whether actual or percieved. It's the job of an applicant to put those concerns to rest by working with the community - not sticking it on Twitter.

It doesn't matter at the end of the day what religion this person is, what their level of education is or whether they read the Daily Mail. As they are within their rights to object.

Redchurch maybe need to think about speaking to the local community, if not already, and putting these fears to rest.

Anonymous said...

The fax number of the sender is just about visible at the top of the page (02077291036) and appears to be 'Bethnal Green Bangladeshi Community Association' from a quick Google.

Anonymous said...

Yes, so the holy book involved here is not the Bible...

rabidbarfly said...

This is about ignorance not religion.

Pub Diaries is correct it is the right of any member of the community to object and I think that Redchurch are going to engage the local community about this.
At the end of the day I think that exasperation brought it onto twitter(as is Redchurch's right).

Cooking Lager said...

I would like to sign this petition. is it on line?

Cooking Lager said...
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Cooking Lager said...

Oh and isn't this a bit racist? It's one thing having a pop at Christians, but Muslims? Whooo there fella, steady on.

Profesor said...

Lots of Xs and thumb prints on the signature column no doubt.

Quite amusing really.

Anonymous said...

I wish Redchurch luck in engaging with a "community" that is opposed in principle to the production, sale and consumption of alcohol.