Well not quite but I've currently got a £100 cheque in my pocket courtesy of Molson Coors to write a blog post about the European Beer Bloggers Conference so I guess the old adage of 'Every man having a price' is true.
A lot of people have said to me 'why are you here? you don't blog anymore'...erm no, I said I was taking a break. Anyone remember the line 'I may still post every now and again'? I do, it's there, just look!
My general feeling about beer blogging and in particular, my own has not really changed. What has enthused me (ironically) to break my silence after a week or so is the people here at the European Beer Bloggers Conference not the beer!
Now every conference needs it's sponsors, people gotta pay the bills right? So the beers we've been drinking have been beers I've had many times, some of them might not be the most exciting in the business but they're here and this isn't the craft beer bloggers conference, it's the European Beer Bloggers conference and we have to remember that we're very lucky most of the time in the beers we choose to drink and the pubs we choose to drink them in. Indeed some of them I've also never had before, I was particularly impressed with the Badger Ales Flyer which I really needed at the time because it was so hot in the meeting room at the registration that I was gasping for something cold and refreshing.
We've had some really interesting sessions here at the conference, my personal favourites were Saturday morning with 'Taking it to the next level' with Mark, Zak and Marverine and the session directly after it was also really interesting on the use of social media and marketing your blogs. The other notable session was with Adrian Tierney-Jones and Simon Jenkins about improving your beer writing.
My personal views on my blog is changing and I'm not sure how often I'm going to post anymore. It's never been a regular occurrence and I think if you're doing this as a hobby it should be just that, the minute you start forcing it is the day you should stop.
I am looking at improving the content because I joined the Guild to help improve my writing and if anything, it's gone backwards in my opinion so hopefully it will be the case that less is more from now on. The reactionary bollocks I used to spout will be gone and I will mostly be ignoring people that who only post to get a reaction or look for publicity from their posts.
So still to come is Sharps Head Brewer, Stuart Howe and a beer dinner sponsored by Pilsner Urquell which I'm very much looking forward to!
Quote from Stuart Howe, Head Brewer at Sharps, 'Teetotalers die 10 years earlier than beer drinkers because they're miserable bastards' - Too right. Live blogging next which should be interesting.
WelcOme back!
WelcOme back!
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