Saturday, 11 June 2016


Craft beer trolls all over the UK rejoiced today as two of their favourite henchmen, James Watt and Martin Dickie were given Sainthoods in the queens birthday honours.

The 5am Saints
Mr Watt, who now wants to be called Saint Punk of Craft Beer said 'to have been awarded something so prestigious is well (t)rad'.
Mr Dickie, could not be found to comment that he is already making his staff call him 'Saint Crafty of crafty brewers'.

The Queen herself was shocked that she was getting criticism from the dirty left wing republican types and defended her divisive choice by saying that if the Pope can canonize people then as the head of the Church of England she was well within her rights to 'saint' two such admirable young men who have been turning water into beer since 2007.

It was widely reported on the BBC today that the main reason for Sainting these two people was because they once made a beer called Speedball, the drug cocktail of choice of royals for many years now.

Other critics have spewed on social media that making the Queen get up at 5am just to saint two brewers (well one brewer and a marketing chap) was just being mean to a kind old lady who gives and gives and never asks for anything in return....apart from palaces and more money than she knows what to do with...

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