I've been working on my day off today, promoting the Lovebeer@Borough Brewdog tastings next Saturday and Brewdog Week at The Rake afterwards.
As far as the Lovebeer tastings go the following beers will be on show...
77 Lager
5am Saint
Punk IPA
Paradox, Isle of Arran
Shark Beer, special 50 bottle release Christmas beer! aged for two years
Surprise special beer, and, no I haven't even been told about this one.
The 3pm tasting is sold out, the 1pm still has some tickets left and we may have to put in an extra tasting if demand is high enough!
We're also going to be going Brewdog Casks, Kegs & Bottles at The Rake the following week although there will be less 10% stuff on cask this time.
I personally have been waiting for this since last year when we did the first Brewdog Lovebeer tastings and Brewdog week at The Rake. I have a lot of time for these guys and applaud the innovation and daring that Martin Dickie and James Watt bring to the British brewing scene.
So, if you want to come along to The Rake between the 21st and 27th November to drink some Brewdog beer, then be my guest, literally!
Hope to see you there.
Sorry your life has gone nowhere. Should have studied harder at school, eh? Night classes?
Tsk tsk jeffrey, it seems you're getting a bit personal, I may not have your qualifications but I still run one of the best beer bars in britain.
That's a bit harsh Jeff. You don't need an MSc in Quantum Physics to run a business!! In fact, I would rather say you'd be wasting your time if you did!
Of course, Jeffrey has several 'o' levels, which helped him to study for the law.
Realising that lawyers are held in the same sort of high public esteem as MPs, used car salesman and axe murderers, he decided to become a celebrity pub landlord. Or hobbyist writer. Or something.
If insult me - which you did - I have every right to insult you back. Which I did. Why do you have immunity, where I'm considered fair game?
And be honest - you don't "run" anything - we both know who owns the business you work for, and it isn't you.
Why does Jeffrey always have to have the last word?
Whatever you say must be correct Jeffrey, you're the qualified one. Why don't you ask my bosses who runs The Rake. Merry fucking christmas.
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