It's disturbing you know, on twitter various people keep mentioning virtual pints, virtual bars, virtual food etc.... blah fucking blah.
Virtual beer. Bet it's really satisfying. Not! |
No I'm not going to buy you a virtual pint. If I want to buy you a drink you can meet me in person and drink a real pint of real beer in a real glass with real people around you in a real fucking pub!
This virtual bullshit is both pointless and annoying. I beg you people, please stop!
But would the real beer be real ale? I'll get my coat...
*shakes virtual fist*
Sometimes I'm glad I'm old...
Thansk for missing the point by a country mile. It was intended as a way of cheering up all us poor sods who have to spend Friday lunchtime behind a keyboard rather than propping up a bar.
I DO get the point Simon, I just think that after a hard days work that first beer tastes amazing. Better than any virtual pint could ever taste!
Why tease yourself with a beer that you CAN'T DRINK?
Because I'm a big fat hop teaser. And I can't afford an *actual* pint of Goose Island Bourborn county Stout at your prices ;-)
It's only in Halves or 3rds anyway! ;-p
A virtual pint would be preferable to some of the beers served in dreadful condition at the SW beer festival at the Rake.
Sorry don't respond well to anonymous critcism, smacks of a lack of spine.
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