Well, I didn't really but I find myself in the middle of a hiatus in proceedings today, just had my hair cut and we're now waiting for Lucille's mum to arrive in London. So a relaxing couple of hours before tonight's, well..not quite sure yet!
Funnily enough I've found myself with a beer in my hand(shocker!) It's Becks though, now Cookie will tell ya that's fine and frankly so will I, there's nothing wrong with Becks, I just don't happen to drink lager a lot.
It looks like lager, it tastes like lager, the only problem was it wasn't free. Clearly I'm not influential enough to get free beer yet but hey ho, can't win 'em all!
Pleasant enough beer for swigging from the bottle and there's nowt like lout to sort you out!
A gentleman of taste and discernment. If the the grog was acquired "special offer" from a supermarket special offer award yourself a gong
Do they still brew it in 'Bremen, Germany', like it says on the label? I thought they were knocking out something like it from the Jupiler brewery in Belgium...
Gong justly rewarded then!
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