Afternoon my fearless band of trusty followers.
Whilst I was behind the bar last night I had a customer come up to the bar and ask if I would try and get some beers from Suffolk in. Well The Rake is a bar that will try new things so I asked what he wanted to see in the bar.
He gave me a list of three different breweries from Suffolk. I'll look them up and we'll see what happens. It got me thinking though, I don't have space in the bar for a requests board but I'm still interested in what people think is...well, interesting.
It Doesn't have to be just beer either, it could be anything.
So, is there anything that YOU want to see in The Rake? we'll of course strive to get new and exciting things in the bar as we always do but what about you?
Without a doubt ... Gadds'.
I'm sure you're familar with them already, so I wont go over old ground and tell you why they rock. Eddie the master brewer is as nice a bloke as you'll meet too.
You can buy some of their stuff on beermerchants now and they sell to pubs round the local area but I've never seen them anywhere outside Kent. Would be cool to see them available in London.
Apologies, that link is for their blog not the site. Try:
thanks for the suggestion, i'll look at them.
Cor, blimey, big question.
Facetious answer: can you make it about five times as big?
Serious answer: a decent alt bier on draft. This is the foreign beer I find myself craving most often in the UK and I've only ever seen it at festivals when it's usually a bit poorly. And pickled eggs. Love pickled eggs.
Yes, a nice alt would be good. I don't go in as often as I used to, but even Zeitgeist doesn't seem to carry a draught alt - about the only well-known style missing off their bar...
@Sid Boggle: What's / where's Zeitgeist?
@Chunk: Well, in a sense, you're living it 8-)
Or, it might be a bar run by a very nice German couple in Vauxhall - you head along Albert Embankment and into Black Prince Road, and look for a black-liveried pub called The Jolly Gardeners. That's Zeitgeist. They usually have a dozen-plus German beers on tap plus a range of bottles, and the food is good.
Have you had any joy trying to get Hillsbrough beers in?
Pete - I'm going to talk to Stuart when I'm up in sheffield next saturday.
Chunk - Looking into gadds - hearfing very good things about them at the moment.
Bailey - Alt bier, interesting idea, defienately look into it but pickled eggs? forget that, I hate eggs.
Good stuff. :)
Sid: I'm there! Thanks, will definetly check that out.
Good news on the Crown, I can get them in from Vertical, will be talking to Stuart on Saturday.
Good news maybe Chunk, Eddie Gadd is sending me his price list.
Wicked. Hopefully it comes off and you like their stuff as much as I do. :)
Found an Alt beer too, although I think at the mo we can only get bottles of schlosser. Won't give up on the draught though!
Any more requests?
Was in a couple of weeks ago and we met for first time, we talked briefly about Marble.
GBBF favourite a couple years ago was Whim Flower Power.
I haven't had enough Moor in my life.
Doubt you can get this but if you could get anything from Fish Brewing, then very cool: http://www.fishbrewing.com/fish-tale-ales/
Finally, a couple years ago, I spend some time in British Columbia tasting some mighty fine beers. I think regularly of the Phillips Black Toque Indian Dark Ale from Victoria, BC but there's a whole heap of others that are great as well.
Dry Cure Bacon, Hendersons Black Pudding, Sausages, Fruity Pudding, Beans,Bubble, toast, marmalade, Duvel - perfick.
... and don't forget the HP sauce either.
Demon - I know who you are, it aint gonna happen!
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