Slightly different format for today I think, I'm off to a tweeter/blogger pub crawl in Sheffield that's been dubbed #twissup, I think that the weekly amount of units might be in danger here, still. Lets see. Day starts at 6.20am.
Got into Sheffield station at 11.52am.
First drink was at 12.
Drink : Thornbridge Jaipur Pint
abv : 5.9%
Units : 3.35
Drink : Thornbridge Lord Marples Pint
abv : 4%
Units : 2.27
Drink : Swarm Half Pint
abv : 5%
Units : 1.42
Drink : Marble No.14 2 x Half Pint
abv : 4.3%
Units : 2.44
Drink : Sheffield Brewery Co. Paradise Pale Pint
abv : 4.1%
Units : 2.27
Drink : Hillsbrough Pale Ale 2 x Half Pints
abv : 3.9%
Units : 2.21
Drink : Marble No.14 2 x Half Pint
abv : 4.3%
Units : 2.44
Drink : Stone Brewing Ruination Half Pint
abv : 7.7%
Units : 2.18
Drink : Thornbridge Jaipur Half Pint
abv : 5.9%
Units : 1.68
Drink : John Smith Extra Smooth Can
abv : 3.8%
Units : 1.67
Yes I am deeply ashamed of the last one but this is candid total truth time folks.
I had a great time at #twissup, made some new friends, pickled my liver, visited some great pubs and a couple of great brewers.
I would personally like to thank the following : the staff from the following pubs, The Sheffield Tap, The Harlequin, The Fat Cat, The Kelham Island Tavern, The Hillsbrough Hotel and The Devonshire Cat. Those are the pubs I went to but a couple of others were visited, thanks have to go to the other pubs too but I don't know where they went.
Also like to thank the brewers at Kelham Island Sheffield Brewing and Hillsbrough (Stu, you are a legend!).
Thanks also have to go to Alex at All Beer & Mark Dredge for their cat herding skills, all the bloggers/tweeters that turned up and finally Tania & Dave for getting me back to the station in one piece!
These #twissups will be the stuff of legends one day and I'm glad I'm going to be involved!
Total #twissup Units : 21.85
Total weekly units : 95.44! No wonder my typing skills have gone to hell!
Great summary of the day, and I'll be stealing your pub list and beer list for my #twissup blog post later in the week.
I'm not happy about your daily total as that was probably about the same for the rest of us, far too many units!
Ah it was a great day out and grand to get to the station in time for a half and know we were all in the right place for trains. Hope your journey home via Leicester wasn't too arduous. I'll just choose not to read that bit about total units for the day though ....
Well done lad! Almost two full BRWU's this week!
Awesome, the fabled 20 mark was smashed! You really did go for it as well, nice one!
Shame we got split for the last part of the day, but it was a quality trip.
Baron - By all means steal away!
Tania - Journey was ok, spent most of it asleep trying to avoid the hangover.
Mark - it was a shame about having to split the group at the end but needs must and I didn't want to miss my train.
Next one should be even better!
I daren't add up my units just in case I find out I can't drink until September :oS
Really great day - can't wait for the next one, am hoping we have a trip to the seaside!!
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